Water Damage in Council Chambers
EDWARDSBURGH CARDINAL - With extreme cold conditions over the weekend, our Township office in Spencerville experienced a pipe burst between the first and second floor, causing significant damage to Council Chambers and the area surrounding it. Once alerted to the issue, there was quick action across multiple departments to locate the source of the water, stop further flooding, and rescue any furniture, equipment and files that could be salvaged.
As we continue to assess the damage and work on clean up today, it has become clear that Council Chambers will not be usable for the next few weeks. Meetings regularly held in Council Chambers will be relocated. We encourage residents to continue to attend Council and Committee meetings, but please check the location online at calendar.twpec.ca/meetings before you come out. We recognize that being able to attend or watch the meeting later by zoom helps many residents stay informed and we will work to continue this service in any location.
We would like our residents to know that services from this office will continue as damage is confined to Council Chambers. The Office is closed to walk-in traffic today, but staff are available to help by phone or email. We anticipate reopening our front office to the public tomorrow, February 7th.
Updates will be shared at twpec.ca, through our News and Notices page. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 613-658-3055.