Curbside Collection Letter to Residents

Dear Edwardsburgh Cardinal Resident;
We have been in conversation with our curbside collection provider as we hear your concerns about the service. HGC Collections has made some positive changes to better serve TWPEC residents and we’d like to share a few of these items:
Why doesn’t the truck come at the same time every week?
HCG confirms that the same path is generally taken for each route. With that being said, there are factors that can affect timing such as a lighter or heavier load or a different operator that may be filling in when there are staffing shortages. Our curbside collection bylaw requires that items are curbside by 7:00 a.m. so that stops aren’t missed. If you find that critters are scattering your garbage bags, you could consider placing garbage bags in a bin with a lid or under an old sheet to keep them away.
What’s with all the breakdowns?
These are heavy trucks which are starting and stopping several times per day, so it isn’t uncommon to experience breakdowns. HGC ordered 5 new trucks in 2021 as part of their fleet replacement program. Worldwide supply chain shortages have delayed delivery. The company has also moved repairs and maintenance in-house to provide better control. In most cases, a breakdown will only delay the truck for a few hours, so you can leave your garbage/recycling out as it will be collected later the same day.
Who do I contact if I have concerns?
Any sudden changes are shared on the Township’s Facebook or Twitter page. You can also find general information about the curbside collection program online at Questions or concerns about a specific incident can be addressed directly by HGC by calling 1-833-425-2442. If you’d like to reach out to Township Staff, we recommend using the “Report a Concern” feature on our website.
We look forward to working in partnership with HGC to provide good quality curbside collection service for our residents.