March 2023 Tax Insert News

This information was provided as well in the March Interim Tax Bill notice provided with your Municipal Tax Insert;
Paying Your Tax Bill
The enclosed 2023 interim tax bill is due by March 31, 2023. The interim tax bill is calculated at 50% of the previous year's total taxes levied against your property.
Online or Phone Banking:
When paying online or through telephone banking, please process payment early to ensure your payment is received by the Township by the due date. Use your 19 digit roll number (excluding the last 4 digits if banking with RBC, ie. 0701 701 010 12345 (0000))
By Mail:
Avoid line-ups by mailing or sending your payment to: 18 Centre Street, P.O Box 129 Spencerville, ON K0E 1X0. Ensure you allow plenty of time to receive payment by mailing early. Cheques may be post dated to March 31 or earlier.
In Person:
Bring your bill and payment via cash, cheque, money order or debit to the Township office Paying by debit? Most financial institutions have a daily or per transaction limit on payments, so know your limit. Monday- Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Note: There is a mail slot to a dropbox if unable to accommodate regular office hours.
The municipality offers monthly pre-authorized automatic withdrawals with no fees or interest as long as your account is up to date. The monthly payment is withdrawn from your bank account on the last business day of each month. The deadline to sign up is March 27th, 2023.
Numbers Don't Lie- Stay Fire Safe - A message from TWPEC Fire Department
Last year, Ontario had 133 fire-related deaths including the tragic loss of young children and families in several communities across Ontario. Having working smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms is the simplest way to protect your family. They will alert you to a fire or the presence of CO gas and give you precious seconds to escape.
Alarms should be located outside all sleeping areas and on every level of your home. Make sure yours will alert you of danger by testing them regularly and replacing old batteries. Alarms don’t last forever; you should check the expiry date on each
device and replace it as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Creating a home escape plan, reducing the clutter in front of exits,
and ensuring all electrical cords are in safe working condition are three other easy ways to keep your family fire safe in 2023. If you have fire safety questions or need assistance making sure your family is fire ready, please contact the Fire Department at 613 658-3001.
Curbside Collection
The Township would like to remind residents that as per bylaw 2015-10, "garbage bags/containers shall be placed on the street
allowance before 7:00 am on the day of collection for that particular street." Due to discrepancies with the curbside collection, HGC Management has requested that all resident inquiries/complaints be directed back to HGC customer service staff at 1-833-425-2442, in order to quickly and efficiently address any issues.
Water/Wastewater Services:
Users of municipal water and sewer services are reminded that the homeowner is responsible to winterize outdoor plumbing and to maintain adequate indoor heating to ensure water meters do not freeze. If you are experiencing a municipal water and sewer services emergency please call 613-657-3765 or if after hours; Falcon Security at 613-342-0521 for assistance.
"Doors Are Open" Community Feedback Sessions:
The Deputy Mayor and your Ward Councillors invite you to join us weekly at "Doors are Open" meetings. Contribute ideas, share feedback and help make Edwardsburgh Cardinal a great place to work, live and play. Meetings will be held on Fridays on a rotating schedule of Ward 3, 2, and 1 within designated Municipal Facilities beginning February 10, 2023. Let us know if you plan to attend with a quick email to For meeting schedules please visit:
Annual Dog Tag/Kennel Licences:
Dog licence tags help to identify lost dogs effectively and reunite them with their family as quickly as possible.
The purchase of a dog licence also helps to supplement the cost of animal control within the Township, encouraging responsible pet ownership. Animal Control helps to ensure dogs, do not harm people, other animals or property throughout the Township. All dogs in the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal are required to be licensed. Owners of non-licensed animals will be responsible to pay for the release fee in addition to the cost of the license fee. In the Township, no more than three dogs over the age of 10 weeks can be on any property. However, if you own more than three dogs, you may qualify for a kennel licence. Dog kennel applications are reviewed and processed by the Township. Kennel licences must be renewed yearly and will expire on the 31st of December.
Clean Yards:
In preparation for the warmer weather, we encourage residents to extend their spring cleaning to the outdoors. Keeping a clean yard is part of being a good neighbour and a responsible citizen. If your neighbours are having trouble maintaining a clean yard, a friendly conversation or offer to help can go a long way. The Township enforces the “clean yards” bylaws 2014-05 and 2018-29, which outlines the minimum standards for property maintenance. These bylaws can be viewed online at and are enforceable by the Township’s Bylaw Officer. In accordance with the clean yards bylaw, penalties may be imposed against properties, as well as vehicles that are “derelict”. Please make arrangements to rid yourself of derelict vehicles not kept in accordance with these bylaws.
Additional Residential Units:
If you’ve been thinking of adding a Second Dwelling or Second Dwelling Unit to your property to keep a loved one close by
or earn some extra rental income, you’ll want to check out new provisions for Additional Residential Units (ARUs) in our new
Zoning Bylaw 2022-37. ARUs are now permitted on many Rural, Residential and Agricultural properties in TWPEC, subject
to the provisions of our new Zoning Bylaw, adopted in June 2022.
You can view the new bylaw online at and schedule a preconsultation with our building or planning staff before applying for your building permit. If your intention is to provide affordable rental housing in our community, you can even apply for funding to help with the cost of construction through the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville’s Secondary Suites Program. Learn more about the financial program at
Aquatic Fitness is a fun way to exercise with friends and socialize. The Township is offering a Swim Team at both the
Cardinal and Johnstown Pools again this summer.
Swimming lessons will continue at both Cardinal and Johnstown Pools. We run lessons during the day Monday to Friday as well as evenings and weekends depending on registration. Lessons are available for all ages this year! If you have any questions email or visit
Summer Camps:
We run four 2-week sessions of summer camp every year at the South Edwardsburgh Community Centre and the Johnstown pool. This year, we are also planning for four 2-week sessions in both Cardinal and Johnstown. Our camps are offered to children ages 5 to 12. Summer camp registration includes one session of swimming lessons for your child. More information on upcoming summer programming email or visit