Female Firefighter Bootcamp in Edwardsburgh Cardinal
Posted on Monday, August 22, 2022 01:03 PM
Female Firefighter Bootcamp The Edwardsburgh Cardinal Fire Department will be hosting a female firefighter bootcamp on Saturday, October 8, 2022, for women aged 17 and up who are interested in learning more about volunteer firefighting. This 1-day camp will provide participants with firsthand knowledge of the duties of a volunteer firefighter while developing emergency preparedness skills. This will be a full day of challenging hands-on learning. Please contact the Edwardsburgh Cardinal Fire Department...
Rail Safety Week Proclamation
Posted on Wednesday, August 17, 2022 10:35 AM
The Council of the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal does hereby proclaim the week of September 19th to 25th as Rail Safety Week within the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal.
Click here to view the official proclamation.
Community Food Calendar July - Sept 2022
Posted on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 10:26 AM
This content is provided by Foodcore Leeds Grenville Lanark.
Household food insecurity means not having enough money for nutritious food. Economic solutions to food insecurity take time but in the mean time we believe that everyone has the right to access healthy and safe food. Look at the community meal calendar for your area if you or someone you know needs help getting food.
Please note that due to COVID-19, information may change without notice.
Soapbox Race Road Closure
Posted on Thursday, June 23, 2022 11:56 AM
The Optimus Club will be hosting a Soapbox derby on Saturday June 25th on Goodin Rd. The road will be open to local traffic only from approximately 2927 Goodin Rd. to Cleary Rd. from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm.
Inquiries can be directed to:
Chris LeBlanc C.R.S.
Manager of Public Works
Edwardsburgh Cardinal TWP
Phone (613) 658-3055 x 203
Gord Shaw
Public Works Director of Operations
Edwardsburgh Cardinal TWP
Phone (613) 658-3001 x 5
Trans-Northern Pipeline Integrity Dig Program
Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2022 08:59 AM
Trans-Northern Pipeline has informed the Township of its intent to undertake maintenance digs as part of their Integrity Dig Program, along the pipe line in various locations off Jordan Road, Rooney Road, Fraser Road, and Shanly Road over the remainder of this year (2022).
A letter will be mailed to residents in close proximity of these locations to advise of the upcoming maintenance work and approximate dates.
Trans-Northern operates a refined petroleum products pipeline linking the...