Book a Pre-Consultation
Before you begin the building or planning process and start your next project in Edwardsburgh Cardinal, we highly recommend that you meet with us to discuss your proposal before submitting your application or any fees. We'll discuss your proposal, help identify the approvals required, and discuss potential areas of concern.
Requesting a pre-consultation meeting
Please contact us to request a meeting. Our staff are generally available at the Township Office Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Building and renovating
Please contact our Chief Building Official by email or call 613-658-3055 x102 to discuss your building and renovating permit projects and applications and to book site inspections.
Planning and zoning
Please contact our Community Development Coordinator by email or call 613-658-3055 x101 for zoning and planning information, including severances, minor variances, and more.